Our four basic economic incentives


Cryptography and its economic incentives are only the material conditions, not the causes of wealth production. The most important things are not material at all. Creativity, technique and knowledge will always be the effective causes of social life.

SINGULAR: the most important of everything


"But if technological Singularity can happen, it will."

- Vernor Vinge

The NextGen AI can only be developed through a global collaboration formed by researchers and labs concerned with all the power of AI concentrated on technology megacorporations, and who believe that we must develop AI with greater ethical foundations and social responsibilities.

No less important is to understand that we are possibly taking an important step towards the Singularity, and this requires careful examination of the risks and benefits of this evident fast-paced advance of AI towards the AGI.

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SSE - Social Sciences and Economics

It wasn't hard to conclude that emergent technologies are challenging all traditional systems, from monetary and financial to even the boldest systems of digital technology. But it is not so comfortable to observe that this transformation is reaching down to the roots of the structures of capitalism as we know it, which points to a profound material, legal and cultural transformation in the coming years. Only sociology and economics can give us the right tools to examine in depth the transformations that are taking place.

We could promise to build a smart, forward-looking city in an appetizing crypto project, but that wouldn't be honest. The truth is that is not easy to improve even minor social ailments. But we can promise that with a scientific perspective we can make a difference more safely and efficiently.

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