As we have already said in our presentation, our objective is not the construction of a metaverse, but the development of methods and processes of construction and protection of intellectual properties, digital environments0 and digital assets, and especially the means of integrating these digital realities and infrastructures with physical reality and spaces. But above this objective, there is an even greater one: humanizing technology, applying it and designing these digital infrastructures assuming the greatest social and ethical responsibilities.
As we have already said, our focus is to establish the interdisciplinary relationships between traditional arts and digital arts, design, Artificial Intelligence, neurotechnology, cryptography, networking, computing and the social and economic sciences, as we believe that these are the main components of the construction of socioeconomic structures and the related experience economixs more advanced than this current reality in which we live.
The social and economic sciences, especially sociology, provide us with the most appropriate tools to coldly analyze the social reality in which we live, without retouching or exaggerating. Understanding that the present will impact the future much more violently than the past, it is necessary to understand in a certain depth what is most relevant in the present so that we can predict and build the future.
Metacortex was a name chosen not only inspired by the Matrix first movie, but mainly by the meaning of that word. We believe that augmented reality, that is, an expansion of physical reality, the symbiosis between machines and humans, as well as the convergence of what is best in centralized and decentralized systems, already allow us to glimpse with greater clarity what will really be cherished by societies, and the clues indicate that reality will surpass fiction in every way, and we will truly transcend the boundaries of the brain.